Sasan UMPP - Ash Utilization |
SPL EOI for Availability of Fly Ash on Cost Sharing Basis |
RPSCL - Scope of Work for Lifting of Fly Ash on free cost basis |
Sasan UMPP- Lifting of Fly Ash on free of cost basis. |
Sasan UMPP- Scope of work for Lifting of Fly Ash on free of cost basis |
Fly Ash Transportation UOM Rs per MT |
Sasan UMPP - Time extension for Submission of NIT for Fly Ash Transportation UOM Rs per MT |
Scope of Work for Transportation of Fly Ash |
BOQ for transportation of Fly Ash from Main Ash silo to mines |
Long Term Supply Agreement of Ash from 6x660 MW Sasan Ultra Mega Power Project |
Request for Proposal |
Instruction to bidders |
Format of Agreement |
Technical Spec.& Conditions |
Special Condition of Contract |
Format of Performance Bank Gaurantee |
General Conditions of Contract |
Queries and Responses |
Notice Inviting Tender for the Appointment Of Service Provider(s) For Active Mine Management for Linkage And E-Auction Coal Supplied By Central Coalfields Limited To Rosa Thermal Power Plant (4 x 300 MW) |
Notice Inviting Tender for the Appointment Of Service Provider(s) For Active Mine Management And Road Transportation For Linkage And E-Auction Coal Supplied By Western Coalfields Limited To Butibori Thermal Power Plant (2 X 300 MW) |
Notice Inviting Tendor to set up FGD system at Sasan |
2nd Extension of Bid submission date |
Notice Inviting Tendor to set up FGD system at Rosa |
2nd Extension of Bid submission date |
Notice Inviting Tendor to set up FGD system at Butibori |
2nd Extension of Bid submission date |
Notice Inviting Tender for Rosa Expansion |
Tato II |
Notice Inviting pre-qualification for Electro.Mech works - TATO- II (700 MW) Hydro Project |